Beryl Richards
FLI Program Manager, OperationsBeryl Richards became involved with the Family Leadership Initiative in 2012. After being told that the children in her church’s community scored the lowest in the State of Michigan on the third-grade MEAP test, she felt God was calling her to work with these students and their families through FLI. Beryl became the Site Coordinator for Wellspring Church of Grand Rapids and was blessed to see God’s hand in the lives of families. The following year she was asked to serve as Cluster Manager and ministered with area pastors, site coordinators, and their congregations. She is currently serving as FLI’s Program Manager of Operations.
Beryl is a deaconess and financial secretary at her church. She has taught Sunday school (all ages), directed Vacation Bible School, and led Bible Study Fellowship women’s and children’s discussion groups for over twenty years. Beryl and her husband, Rev. Jerome Richards, are celebrating forty-four years of marriage this year. They have five children, nine grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.